Wednesday, February 25, 2009


“Kejadian berlaku begitu pantas. Malah, jeritan saya supaya dia mengelak tidak didengar kerana bunyi bising mesin penebang pokok,” kata Mohammad Salihin Ibrahim, 68, saksi kejadian seorang penebang pokok mati dihempap pokok kelapa reput di Kampung Parit Baru, dekat sini, semalam.

Dalam kejadian jam 9.30 pagi, mangsa Ma’asor Husin, 53, maut selepas dihempap batang pokok kelapa reput ketika melakukan kerja menebang pokok di sebuah kebun di sini.Menceritakan kejadian, Mohammad Salihin yang juga pemilik kebun itu berkata, dia meminta Allahyarham menebang pokok kelapa itu berikutan sudah reput dan condong, tetapi arwah memilih menebang pokok kekabu terlebih dulu.“Pokok kekabu itu tidak jauh dari pokok kelapa yang reput. Bagaimanapun, ketika dia melakukan kerja menebang, dahan pokok kekabu mengenai batang pokok kelapa menyebabkan ia tumbang ke arahnya.

This is the latest news about public safety.. here, public safety must be taken care always. Wherever you go, safety always being number one for you... But, there are some even that related to public safety that we cannot avoid.. But, as it can be avoid, try our best to get the best for us...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PRoJect 3 : QuaLiTy Of Life SuRVey In NoRtHen citiES..

In This part.. I WanT to SharE A LIttle ExperIenced With All of You..

For This Project.. We were asked to conduct a Household Survey on Kedah, Penang and Perlis.. Household for the three cities were given a questionnaire form to fill in.. the data collected will be analyzed, present and making a report to get the conclusion of Quality Of Life...

So.. It wAs aN iNterEstIng ExpEriEnced.. BecAusE We Can Be Close To The CommUnIty.. BesIdes That, We WilL HeaR Little Of HoUSeHold ProBlems And CoMmEnTs AboUt TheIr SaTisFActOry OF QuaLiTy Of Life In MAny AspecTS Like EconOmy, EnVirOnMent, TraNSpOrtatIon And Else..

We as a group of 6, doing survey at Pulau Pinang also being a closer friends after make survey together almost 15 days.. This ProJect Was a Good ProJect... Don't Believe?? See Below Picture... This is my group for survey.. time?? After we feeL Tired Making SurVey aROund PulAu Pinang ArEa...

HaPPy..HapPy.. HaPPy..!!!


StiLL Working For ReseArch PropOsal ReGArdiNg On PublIc SaFety IssuEs...

Now still updating on my public safety blog..

As this is a part of my studio project, and this blog is related to my research proposal, I will introduce a little too about my researh proposal.. The topic that I had choosen is ' Property management : Maintenance Management in Managing tHigh Rise Residential Area at Kuala Lumpur and Selangor to Ensure Public Safety.'.

This research proposal being done to study about the responsibilities being done by management corporation in Malaysia to ensure the safety of their residents. Purpose of research also is to identify the major complaints of damage/ defects lodge by tenants in high rise condominium, to review the current process and procedures of handling defects complaints from tenants, to review the level of cooperation of apartment residents itself (paying maintenance fees), and finally to investigate the problem faced by property management in managing the high rise condominium and provide necessary solution for better management. All things related to property management will be disscuss in this research...

With the moving of Malaysia development into more complex unit, especially with the limited space of land availability at urban centers, government and especially planner given responsibilities to plan properly in any development planning so it can fulfilling the need of residential area for society. So, the development of high rise residential area have been implement to save the spaces on empty land. As this being implement, it give big responsibilities for Property management of high rise residential building in ensuring the comfort and safe of the residents..

So..ThIS Is A LiTtle About My 'RP'.. I WiLl sTiLL WoRKing On It.. It IS ImpOrtaNt To AnyoNe Who wanT To CoNtiNue For HiGher eDucation (MAster) and WheN yOu Are WorkinG.. So.. Don't ThinK It Is Nothing... ImPortanT.. ImpOrtanT..!!!!